DEBORAH BEAUVAIS is the visionary founder of Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network, based in love, spiritual enrichment and universal guidance. Deborah leads by example and radiates a deep sense of warmth and through her work she touches the lives of many, leaving them feeling enriched for it. We talked to Deborah about overcoming challenges in her life, the birth of Dreamvisions, Reconnective Healing, self discovery and much more.

Tell us how you came up with the idea for your Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and what inspired you?
I actually started my radio career in 2004 with a radio show “Love Bites” in Providence R.I. After a few years there, someone mentioned I should have my own Radio Network. Something just clicked within and I felt excited at the thought. Without knowing how to start a radio network, I made made the decision to make it happen. Within six months we were ready to go with 10 radio hosts. The first couple of years were filled with a mix of experiences and challenges that shaped what Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network is today.

I truly felt guided from the start, and still feel so today. D7RN is a conscious driven radio platform that fosters love, unity consciousness and enlightenment with tools to find peace within, comfort, community and hope.

You have trained as a Reconnective Healing and Reconnection practitioner, how has that helped you and has this allowed you to help others?
Reconnective Healing found me; through our Station promoting Dr. Eric Pearl’s work I was invited to train and become a practitioner. It was a surreal experience, with wondrous soul growth and outcomes. With any energy modality, in essence one is connecting with our God Source becoming the facilitator for healing. Each client experiences a heightened awareness they can tap into throughout their lives.
Over the years hosting your radio show you must have talked to some inspiring women, whose story has had the greatest impact on you and why?
Marianne Williamson, who ran for President! I was introduced to Marianne’s work through her book “Return to Love”, a #1 NY Times best seller. It remains one of my favorite books of all time. Marianne has gone on as a key voice for women’s equality. She is an excellent educator on Black History in this country and the social injustices African Americans have endured for 400 years.
Byron Katie for her incredible work in helping people see the truth of their thoughts and perceptions and understanding how the human mind works. Helping people with simple but profound techniques so they may grow and find joy and peace in the relationship with themselves and others.
When you’re not busy working, what brings you pleasure in life?
I love nature, reading, learning, dancing and spending time with my family. Love house plants and the joy they bring. I’m fortunate to have a large green house attached to my home. I’ve recently added more plants because of the comfort they bring. I’ve had a keen interest in nutrition and whole foods since my Mother-in-law introduced me to a health food store when I was pregnant with my second child. Everything was made fresh and from scratch. Meals, breads and desserts. Sweetener was honey. My girls didn’t know what ring dings, candy and the like were until they were at other homes. We laugh about it today.
You have a love for writing, when did you discovered this and what do you enjoy writing about? I really didn’t see myself as a writer, but found I enjoyed writing a few years ago, it allows me to express myself fully. I enjoy sharing the many experiences in life to help others, plus when we share, we help heal ourselves.

We love the sound of your children’s book about 7 Paper Dolls flying around the world doing good deeds, please tell us more about it? Rooted in love, the book was born from the Kids 4 Love Project. Co-Writer Janine Sullivan, visualized an expansion for the Project while creating a legacy for the Beauvais family. The Paper Doll Kids book is a fun curious adventure that weaves around 7 Paper Dolls flying around the world doing good deeds, as they bring important attention to endangered animals. A magic ring with a universal message pops up throughout the story. Kids become interested in service projects, action through compassion and planting seeds that nurture positive change. The book discusses anti bullying strategies and acts of kindness. There’s also a catchy tune “Kids for Love” which was created as a companion to the book, sung by my four youngest grandchildren. Every day spirited children bring to life lyrics that are as old as time. The message is clear: love creates positive change! Song Lyricist: Janine Sullivan, Song Composer & Producer: Bob Sherwood “Kids for Love” Song is available on iTunes and both book and song are available on Amazon.
Through a vision I was guided to start The Kids 4 Love Project in 2013, which is a journey into self-discovery. It consists of fun creative tools to learn self-love, kindness, creativity and unity. We foster ideas that create innovative solutions to save our planet and all its inhabitants. Kids learn to be cognizant of others, cultivate compassion and celebrate uniqueness and diversity.
We start with one generation and by example they teach the generations ahead. I Choose Love- I Am Love- I Stand for Love KIDS 4 LOVE PROJECT—empowering kids that inspire others!

What do you feel is your greatest achievement so far?
With all that has transpired in life my greatest achievement are my girls. Becoming a widow at a young age and single mom overnight was unimaginable and overwhelming. Yet through all the challenges my girls are amazing, kind, inspiring wonderful women with open hearts. They are excellent Moms to their kids…with the help of their husbands. I am truly proud.

Which women have inspired you in life?
Oprah, for being the catalyst for all people to start talking openly about their “stuff” and start the healing process within.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for her determination, motivation and tireless work [even when ill] for women’s rights, gender equality and unity. Many of the rights women have are because of Ruth.
If you could interview any woman for your radio show who would you choose, why and what would be the most pressing question you would like to ask them?
First Lady Michelle Obama. I would ask many questions on what it was really like to be the first African American Family in the White House.
Oprah See above.

During this difficult time with Covid and general unrest, what has kept your spirits up? Knowing there is a Higher purpose of why we’re all here on earth. To move the human race forward, to elevate consciousness and finally unify and celebrate differences. Creativity. Connecting to our Higher Source, believing we are guided each day and we’re never truly alone. And of course, family.
Can you give any positive advice/encouragement to women who may be feeling overwhelmed at the moment? Trust in the process and your Higher self. Learn to meditate, outdoors if feasible. Spend time in nature. Come from your true self and heart. Take time to rest and rejuvenate, tap into your creativity. Love yourself exactly as you are. Embrace the ups and downs of your life journey. Notice the blessings in each day. Start a journal.

Do you have any special upcoming shows you are excited about and how can our readers tune in? Coming up is Reverend Temple Hayes, author, spiritual leader, and difference-maker. Temple has been married to her wife for over 15 years. She is the CEO of First Unity Spiritual Campus, which transcends religious denominations, embraces all ethnicity, and reaches beyond national borders
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network: Listen Online, mobile, in cars and through Amazon's Echo by asking "Alexa play Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network" Get our Apps"
Listen Live: http://bit.ly/Dreamvisions7Radio_Network
Website: https://dreamvisions7radio.com/
What is your favorite inspirational quote?
"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" ~ John Lennon
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle” ~ Albert Einstein

We have had the distinct pleasure of being interviewed by Deborah about our love story, film STATUS UNKNOWN and of course theLexperience. You can listen to our interview here.
We can't recommend Deborah's Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network highly enough ~ Tune in and check it out for yourself!
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